Early Years Thriving Presents

Our 4th Online Summit to Support Learning in the Early Years Community

  • 20 Speakers

    Our speakers include ECE thought leaders, early years experts, counsellors and psychologists.

  • Recording Options

    ECEs had the opportunity to attend for FREE on January 25-27th during the OPEN dates and times.

  • Bonus Materials

    Many of our speakers and sponsors share coupon codes for discounts on their products and courses.

The Open Dates and Times

All sessions are pre-recorded and will be available for free during the "open" dates and times.

  • January 25th from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (PST)

  • January 26th from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (PST)

  • January 27th from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm (PST)

  • January 28th Certificates of Completion Support

  • The virtual doors will open a half hour early and close a half hour late each day

Did you miss the OPEN dates and times!?!

Check out our VIP Ticket option!

About the Organizer

Hi, I am Ana, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Owner and Founder of Early Years Thriving Ana Valle Rivera

Ana is a parent, public speaker, workshop facilitator, consultant and the Founder of Early Years Thriving. Ana has a Diploma in Early Childhood Education, a Bachelor's Degree in Child and Youth Care, and is currently completing a Master's Degree in Professional Education.

Meet Our Speakers

Check out our amazing line up of speakers below!

Dr Vanessa Lapointe

Parenting Educator, Author & Speaker

In this session Dr Vanessa talks about her book Discipline Without Damage. She shares insights into the neuroscience of connection and provides practical tips for caregivers (parents and educators) on how to discipline without damage.

Elaine Tan Comeau

Founder of Easy Daysies Schedules

Thank you also to Elaine Tan Comeau, creator of Easy Daysies Visual Schedules for taking the time to talk about executive functioning skills in young children and the story of Easy Daysies. @easydaysies

Deborah MacNamera

Counsellor and scientist; storyteller and teacher; guide and Mother.

In this session, Deborah shares about her book Nourished and talks about how caregivers (parents and educators) can support healthy relationships with children and food.

Laura Doan

Associate professor at Thompson Rivers University

In this session, Laura shares about the Peer Mentoring project and how it is positively impacting Educators across BC. Laura also shares about her upcoming book "The Induction of Early Childhood Educators"

Carla Ward

CEO and Founder of Early Learning Foundations

Thank you once again to Carla Ward, founder of Early Learning Foundations and the host of The Everything ECE Podcast for taking the time to chat with me about helping ECEs find their voice through podcasting. @elfoundations

Marcia Nicole

RECE, MPED, OCT & CEO of Ispyr to Educate

In this session, Marcia talks about empowering and motivating educators to continue to thrive in a field, and an industry they are passionate about. Marcia also talks about navigating entrepreneurship being a mom and an educator all at the same time.

Sarah Felstiner

Operations Manager, Epiphany Early Learning Preschool

In this session, Sarah shares about responsive curriculum in early childhood settings and how it connects with anti-bias education.

Marlo Humiski

Lead Instructor & Early RISErs Program Manager

In this session Marlo talks about supporting young children with learning challenges. Marlo shares about about red flags and how caregivers can support learning.

Tara Gratto

M.S.Ed, MA, OCT, Parenting and Educational Support

In this session, Tara talks her book "team brain" and about the importance of building tools and skills for emotional regulation in calm and connection in fun engaging ways.

Drew Harms

Registered Clinical Counsellor

In this session, Drew talks about developmental milestones and red flags. She also shares practical tips about how to observe, record and talk to parents about developmental and behavioural concerns.

Samantha Johnstone

Early Childhood Resource Library Administrator & Workshop Facilitator

In this session, Samantha shares about pedagogical choices and getting comfortable with pedagogist perspectives and language.

Kayla Papalia

In-Home Multi-Age Child Care Owner & Workshop Facilitator

In this session, Kayla shares her experience as an In-Home Multi-Age Child Care Owner and Operator in BC and she shares about how to use what you've got to improve your early years environment.

Lobna Ajaini

Founder of Childhood Empowerment

In this session, Lobna speaks about the benefits nurturing creativity and innovation using STEM in the Early Years. She also shares tips on how educators can incorporate STEMs in ECE.

Kathleen Gomez

Registered Early Childhood Educator

In this session, Kathleen shares about the warning signs of burn out and talks about the importance of self care. Kathleen also shares about the magic key to sustaining a healthy work-life balance.

Rita Tapia

Registered Early Childhood Educator & Workshop Facilitator

In this session, Rita shares about equity, diversity and inclusion and how educators can make welcoming spaces for all children and families.

Michelle Milne

ECE & Workshop Facilitator

In this session, Michelle shares about the Bowens Family Systems Theory and how it can support educators in their reflective practice.

Chris Yin Ren

ECE, Master of Education & Workshop Facilitator

In her session, Chris shares strategies for educators to bridge their understanding and support newcomer families, particularly Chinese immigrant families.

Sali Chippett

Founder of Learning Discoveries & Workshop Facilitator

In this session, Sali goes over her workshop on Loose parts. Sali talks about the benefits of loose parts and how educators can get comfortable with loose parts and nature based learning.

Laura Cowan

ECE & Workshop Facilitator

In this session, Laura shares about her workshop, "Experiencing Circle Time: Calm, Clear and Connected." Laura provides tools for new educators to explore, that can help support their experience at circle time.

Meet Our Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors for supporting our ECE community

Sponsor LOVE

Thank you to LDSociety for supporting our community.

Early RISErs is an incredible play-based opportunity for families to be equipped with knowledge about their young child and their learning and development to date. Meeting for just 2 hours/week over ten weeks, Early RISErs provides assessments, education, parent networking and strategies to leverage children’s strengths.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this professional development live or self paced?

    This online summit includes pre-recorded interview sessions with 20 + experts. FREE ticket holders will only be able to access the recordings on January 25-27th

  • How long will this Professional Development be available?

    FREE ticket holders will get access on January 25-27th. VIP ticket holders will get access for one year. Annual Subscribers will get access for as long as their subscription is valid.

  • What technology do I need?

    You need a device with a screen, audio and internet. You can use a laptop, iPad, tab or phone. You can also access all course material through the thinkific app.

  • Can I get a receipt or confirmation?

    Once you register you will see a confirmation webpage and you will receive a receipt email. If you need a more detailed receipt please contact us.

  • Can I get a refund or credit after purchase?

    No refund or credit is provided once the workshop is purchased. It is up to the participant to go through the material at their own pace. If you are unsatisfied with the material please contact the instructor directly.

  • Will I get a certificate of completion?

    Yes, certificates will be available automatically upon completion of the workshop. We keep record and track participation of all who register.

  • How do I replace a lost certificate?

    Remember to download your certificate and any resources. If you lose your certificate, just contact us and we provide you with a new one.

  • Will this professional development be accepted by the ECE registry in my province or state?

    Ultimately it is up to the participant to ensure this workshop would be accepted by the ECE authority in their province or state. Each certificate of completion will include our contact information so that we can support educators to get their professional development hours. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL MATERIALS IN FULL. You must complete all the materials in full and answer all questions so that we can ethically verify your certificate with any ECE registry.

  • Who do I contact for help?

    Email [email protected] for support and we will get back to you as soon as possible.